
Toggo, Goblin Weaponsmith + Keskit, the Flesh Sculptor

Synergy is a rough depiction of how well and uniquely a card pairs with a commander. Read more on the About page.

324 Circuits Act 0.01
324 Orazca Relic 0.01
324 Feldon's Cane 0.01
324 Red Elemental Blast 0.01
324 Gluttonous Guest 0.01
324 Belligerent Guest 0.01
324 Sylvok Lifestaff 0.01
324 Cinder Pyromancer 0.01
324 Phyrexian Walker 0.01
324 Shield Sphere 0.01
324 Basilisk Gate 0.01
324 Contagious Nim 0.01
324 Dread Return 0.01
324 Corpse Cur 0.01
324 Phyrexian Digester 0.01
324 Unexpected Fangs 0.01
324 Sulfurous Blast 0.01
324 Death Rattle 0.01
324 Acolyte of Aclazotz 0.01
324 Wander in Death 0.01
324 Terminal Moraine 0.01
324 Demon Bolt 0.01
324 Bone Picker 0.01
324 Battered Golem 0.01
324 Rampaging Spiketail 0.01

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