
Third Path Iconoclast

Deck nameCreatorSource
What an Icon TonisBolognis Moxfield
Third Path Iconoclast ($60) razzaram Moxfield
Izzet artifact something badcoffee12 Moxfield
zio benny's SalvoErrori Archidekt
Third Path Iconoclast sammyz Moxfield
Izzet Got me Cantrippin' tyrealcoolguy Moxfield
PDH cantrips badmrfrosty Moxfield
FACTS Removes_Bones Moxfield
z - p - 15 rb turn & burn SoloNah Moxfield
making some artifact soldiers right? hvsoccer909 Moxfield
Third Path spellslinger rudedog Moxfield
CPEEZYDH barrzeb1 Moxfield
Third Path Iconoclast Kolya Moxfield
Third Times the Harm DadJokeSliver Moxfield
PauperEDH Izzet Artifact Overhaul Anon-Linear Moxfield
PAUPAU eddieleon Moxfield
Third Path Iconoclast btb317 Moxfield
iconoclast nekrataal Moxfield
Third Path Iconoclast PDH Puzzleface134 Moxfield
Izzet tokens Hank_Scorpio Archidekt
Third Path Iconoclast (Pauper) DummyThiccDom Moxfield
Spells to Soldiers Kelkankan Moxfield

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