
Brinelin, the Moon Kraken + Alena, Kessig Trapper

Synergy is a rough depiction of how well and uniquely a card pairs with a commander. Read more on the About page.

173 Essence Scatter 0.06
173 Merchant Scroll 0.06
173 Crystal Grotto 0.06
179 Keep Safe 0.05
180 Skred 0.04
180 Mountain 0.04
180 Kasmina's Transmutation 0.04
180 Lose Focus 0.04
184 Renegade Tactics 0.03
185 Seething Song 0.02
185 Drift of Phantasms 0.02
187 Thoughtcast 0.01
187 Highland Lake 0.01
187 Galvanic Blast 0.01
187 Breath Weapon 0.01
187 Ardent Elementalist 0.01
192 High Tide —
192 Tormenting Voice —
192 Ingenious Artillerist —
192 Thought Vessel —
196 Cloud of Faeries -0.01
196 Dispel -0.01
198 Expedite -0.02
199 Trinket Mage -0.03
199 Aether Spellbomb -0.03

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