
Sumala Sentry

Synergy is a rough depiction of how well and uniquely a card pairs with a commander. Read more on the About page.

39 Mammoth Growth 0.33
39 Erase 0.33
39 Sagu Archer 0.33
39 Foothill Guide 0.33
39 Mosstodon 0.33
39 They Went This Way 0.33
39 Lens of Clarity 0.33
39 Demystify 0.33
39 Haazda Vigilante 0.33
60 Beacon Behemoth 0.32
60 Environmental Sciences 0.32
60 Bound in Silence 0.32
60 Chorus of Might 0.32
60 Defend the Campus 0.32
60 Bramble Armor 0.32
60 Malamet Veteran 0.32
60 Bola Slinger 0.32
60 Iron Verdict 0.32
60 Dauntless Unity 0.32
60 Moment of Valor 0.32
60 Doomskar Oracle 0.32
60 Stalwarts of Osgiliath 0.32
73 Over the Edge 0.31
73 Captivating Cave 0.31
73 Warhorn Blast 0.31

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