
Troyan, Gutsy Explorer

Synergy is a rough depiction of how well and uniquely a card pairs with a commander. Read more on the About page.

499 Shoreline Ranger 0.01
499 Master's Rebuke 0.01
499 Accorder's Shield 0.01
499 Mirran Spy 0.01
499 Omen of the Hunt 0.01
499 Titanic Growth 0.01
499 Nature's Embrace 0.01
499 Slippery Karst 0.01
499 Thirsting Roots 0.01
499 Blinding Fog 0.01
499 Cryptic Serpent 0.01
499 You Find the Villains' Lair 0.01
499 Hooting Mandrills 0.01
499 Scour from Existence 0.01
499 Mesmerizing Dose 0.01
499 Pulse of Murasa 0.01
499 Savage Punch 0.01
499 Eccentric Farmer 0.01
499 Fuel for the Cause 0.01
499 Colossal Badger // Dig Deep 0.01
499 Saprazzan Skerry 0.01
499 Thallid Shell-Dweller 0.01
499 Alchemist's Retrieval 0.01
499 Elgaud Shieldmate 0.01
499 Gift of Paradise 0.01

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