
Troyan, Gutsy Explorer

Synergy is a rough depiction of how well and uniquely a card pairs with a commander. Read more on the About page.

319 Arachnoid Adaptation 0.03
319 Phyrexian Atlas 0.03
319 Scatter Ray 0.03
319 Lantern Bearer // Lanterns' Lift 0.03
319 Rampant Growth 0.03
319 Messenger Jays 0.03
319 Willow-Wind 0.03
319 Buried Treasure 0.03
319 Untamed Might 0.03
319 Terminal Moraine 0.03
319 Cartouche of Strength 0.03
319 Kozilek's Pathfinder 0.03
319 Vulpine Goliath 0.03
319 Spinewoods Paladin 0.03
319 Ethereal Ambush 0.03
319 Thundering Ceratok 0.03
319 Petrifying Meddler 0.03
319 Painted Bluffs 0.03
319 Roaming Ghostlight 0.03
319 Skyskipper Duo 0.03
319 Moldering Gym // Weight Room 0.03
319 Meat Locker // Drowned Diner 0.03
319 Nessian Asp 0.03
319 Horncaller's Chant 0.03
319 Compass Gnome 0.03

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