
Kediss, Emberclaw Familiar + Esior, Wardwing Familiar

Synergy is a rough depiction of how well and uniquely a card pairs with a commander. Read more on the About page.

439 Kiln Fiend -0.02
439 Hard Evidence -0.02
439 Desert of the Mindful -0.02
439 Tocasia's Dig Site -0.02
455 Mountain -0.03
455 First Day of Class -0.03
455 Hidden Volcano -0.03
455 Erebor Flamesmith -0.03
455 Beamtown Beatstick -0.03
460 Logic Knot -0.04
460 Thrill of Possibility -0.04
460 Neurok Stealthsuit -0.04
460 Seize the Spoils -0.04
460 Think Twice -0.04
460 Gush -0.04
460 Keep Watch -0.04
460 Crimson Fleet Commodore -0.04
460 Wayfarer's Bauble -0.04
460 Nivix Cyclops -0.04
460 Fire Prophecy -0.04
460 Whispersilk Cloak -0.04
460 Shock -0.04
460 Burning Prophet -0.04
474 Demand Answers -0.05
474 Skred -0.05

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