
Hydra Trainer

Synergy is a rough depiction of how well and uniquely a card pairs with a commander. Read more on the About page.

26 Experiment One 0.63
26 Ambitious Dragonborn 0.63
26 Hunger of the Howlpack 0.63
29 Lifecrafter's Gift 0.62
29 Guardian Gladewalker 0.62
29 Longshot Squad 0.62
29 Copperhorn Scout 0.62
33 Tuskguard Captain 0.61
33 Quirion Ranger 0.61
35 Predatory Hunger 0.58
35 Devoted Druid 0.58
37 Forced Adaptation 0.57
38 Scale the Heights 0.56
39 Everflowing Chalice 0.55
39 Deepwood Denizen 0.55
41 Fertilid 0.54
42 Smell Fear 0.53
43 Pollenbright Druid 0.52
43 Khalni Garden 0.52
45 Ivy Lane Denizen 0.47
45 Gaea's Gift 0.47
47 Nature's Lore 0.39
48 Snakeskin Veil 0.37
49 Tranquil Thicket 0.36
50 Elven Rite 0.33

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