
Svella, Ice Shaper

Deck nameCreatorSource
Svella, Ice Shaper pEDH Hetzer Archidekt
Popsicle Stand (Steve PAUPER) Whyintheheck Archidekt
Svella Pauper cenzo Archidekt
Pauper EDH Svella MattEdwardsPDH Moxfield
Copy of - Svella Niobiumman41 Archidekt
Lith Deez Nutz Rezgrio Moxfield
Cheap Scorch1205 Archidekt
PDH Svella - Chonky Boys Duesentrieb Moxfield
svella Da_KinGanondorf Moxfield
Trundle The Deck Jevange Archidekt
Svella Big Mana Ramp Pauper EDH industrialterp Archidekt
Ice Planet Barbarian Joke icyhandofdeath Moxfield
Pauper Svella Koeln_Koeln Moxfield
PDH - Svella, Cold Manaliths GummyOSawrUs Archidekt
ice Punchinthedink Moxfield

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