
Lumbering Megasloth

Synergy is a rough depiction of how well and uniquely a card pairs with a commander. Read more on the About page.

174 Argothian Sprite 0.05
174 Roots 0.05
174 Nimble Mongoose 0.05
174 Loxodon Eavesdropper 0.05
174 Oil-Gorger Troll 0.05
174 Apprentice Sharpshooter 0.05
174 Wary Thespian 0.05
174 Bearer of Memory 0.05
174 Mantle of Webs 0.05
174 Sheltering Word 0.05
174 Trufflesnout 0.05
174 Tunnel Tipster 0.05
174 Sundering Vitae 0.05
174 River Herald Guide 0.05
174 Sabertooth Mauler 0.05
174 Leaping Ambush 0.05
174 Vine Snare 0.05
174 Huatli's Final Strike 0.05
174 Spore Cloud 0.05
174 Hollow Scavenger // Bakery Raid 0.05
174 Toadstool Admirer 0.05
174 Bumbleflower's Sharepot 0.05
174 Feral Contest 0.05
174 Necrogen Censer 0.05
174 Freestrider Commando 0.05

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