
Johann, Apprentice Sorcerer

Synergy is a rough depiction of how well and uniquely a card pairs with a commander. Read more on the About page.

374 Epiphany Storm 0.02
374 Firemind Vessel 0.02
374 Ancestral Reminiscence 0.02
374 Encrust 0.02
374 Zephyr Charge 0.02
374 Arc Lightning 0.02
374 Train of Thought 0.02
374 Beluna's Gatekeeper // Entry Denied 0.02
374 Sinister Sabotage 0.02
374 Willow-Wind 0.02
374 Amphin Pathmage 0.02
374 Anarchist 0.02
374 Kindlespark Duo 0.02
374 Transguild Promenade 0.02
374 Academy Journeymage 0.02
374 Smelt 0.02
374 Banners Raised 0.02
374 Boiling Earth 0.02
374 Tazeem Roilmage 0.02
374 Pillar of Flame 0.02
374 Campus Guide 0.02
374 Razzle-Dazzler 0.02
374 Quick Draw 0.02
374 Portent of Betrayal 0.02
374 Bellowing Bruiser // Beat a Path 0.02

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