
Captain Ripley Vance

Synergy is a rough depiction of how well and uniquely a card pairs with a commander. Read more on the About page.

75 Burning Prophet 0.2
77 Desert of the Fervent 0.19
77 Guttersnipe 0.19
77 Temur Battle Rage 0.19
77 Rush of Adrenaline 0.19
77 Reckless Barbarian 0.19
82 Experimental Synthesizer 0.18
82 Ardent Elementalist 0.18
82 Lightning Bolt 0.18
85 Teetering Peaks 0.17
85 Accelerate 0.17
85 Inordinate Rage 0.17
85 Opal Palace 0.17
89 Fire Prophecy 0.16
89 Bone Saw 0.16
91 Kiln Fiend 0.15
91 Sure Strike 0.15
91 Gravitic Punch 0.15
91 Demand Answers 0.15
91 Spellgorger Weird 0.15
96 Conjurer's Bauble 0.14
96 Etali's Favor 0.14
96 Wayfarer's Bauble 0.14
99 Flame Jab 0.13
99 Kick in the Door 0.13

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