
Elite Scaleguard

Synergy is a rough depiction of how well and uniquely a card pairs with a commander. Read more on the About page.

200 Skyscanner 0.14
202 Cho-Manno's Blessing 0.13
202 Pacifism 0.13
202 Planar Disruption 0.13
202 Ancestral Blade 0.13
202 Captain's Call 0.13
207 Justiciar's Portal 0.12
207 Mana Tithe 0.12
207 Plains 0.12
210 Ulamog's Crusher 0.11
211 Apostle's Blessing 0.1
211 Emerge Unscathed 0.1
213 Desert of the True 0.09
213 Doomed Traveler 0.09
215 Everflowing Chalice 0.08
215 Commander's Sphere 0.08
215 Raise the Alarm 0.08
215 Benevolent Bodyguard 0.08
215 Secluded Steppe 0.08
220 Angelic Gift 0.07
221 Flicker of Fate 0.06
221 Loran's Escape 0.06
221 Generous Gift 0.06
221 Drifting Meadow 0.06
225 Pegasus Guardian // Rescue the Foal 0.05

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