
Relentless Advance


View on Scryfall

Appears in 86 of 19,602 decks (0.4%).

Appears with these commanders:

Commander Decks Synergy â†“
Gleaming Overseer 10 0.91
Saruman the White 11 0.55
Novijen Sages 1 0.5
Vexing Radgull 3 0.4
Flux Channeler 12 0.26
Aven Wind Guide 4 0.13
Thrummingbird 1 0.12
Diregraf Captain 7 0.1
Lazotep Chancellor 17 0.09
Tomebound Lich 1 0.09
Galloping Lizrog 1 0.06
Enigma Drake 1 0.06
The Mouth of Sauron 2 0.05
Rootha, Mercurial Artist 1 0.05
Narfi, Betrayer King 6 0.04
Jalira, Master Polymorphist 2 0.03
Grixis Battlemage 1 0.03
Gandalf, Friend of the Shire 1 0.03
Rona, Sheoldred's Faithful 1 0.01
Ghost of Ramirez DePietro + Tormod, the Desecrator 1 0.0
Bear's Companion 1 0.0
Murmuring Mystic 1 0.0
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