
Seal of Removal


View on Scryfall

Appears in 415 of 20,015 decks (2.1%).

Appears with these commanders:

Commander Decks Synergy â†“
Rilsa Rael, Kingpin 1 None
Shadowmage Infiltrator 1 None
Frolicking Familiar // Blow Off Steam 1 None
Jedit Ojanen 1 None
Spikeshell Harrier 1 None
Slick Imitator 1 None
Phantatog 7 0.98
Keleth, Sunmane Familiar + Malcolm, Keen-Eyed Navigator 1 0.98
Patagia Viper 1 0.98
Thieving Magpie 1 0.98
Phantasmal Mount 1 0.98
Mahamoti Djinn 1 0.98
Timid Drake 1 0.98
Outlaw Stitcher 1 0.98
Amber Gristle O'Maul + Sword Coast Sailor 1 0.98
Scrabbling Skullcrab 1 0.98
Battlewing Mystic 1 0.98
Loyal Inventor 1 0.98
Meletis Astronomer 5 0.81
Trophy Mage 5 0.48
Reflector Mage 3 0.48
Harbor Guardian 2 0.48
Rishadan Footpad 1 0.48
Marauding Sphinx 1 0.48
Gremlin Tamer 11 0.42
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