
Armored Armadillo

Creature — Armadillo

View on Scryfall

Appears in 132 of 17,597 decks (0.8%).

Appears with these commanders:

Commander Decks Synergy â†“
Bereaved Survivor // Dauntless Avenger 2 None
Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim 1 None
Hamza, Guardian of Arashin 1 None
Mentor of the Meek 1 None
Wispdrinker Vampire 1 None
Farrelite Priest 1 None
Ghost-Lit Redeemer 1 0.99
Affa Guard Hound 1 0.99
Sword Dancer 1 0.99
Rasaad yn Bashir + Inspiring Leader 1 0.99
Rasaad yn Bashir + Dragon Cultist 2 0.49
Rasaad yn Bashir + Veteran Soldier 1 0.49
Quickening Licid 1 0.49
Glyph Elemental 1 0.49
Boros Challenger 2 0.39
Rasaad yn Bashir + Agent of the Shadow Thieves 7 0.33
Rasaad yn Bashir + Feywild Visitor 7 0.27
Rasaad yn Bashir + Cloakwood Hermit 2 0.24
Rasaad yn Bashir + Dungeon Delver 14 0.21
Bill the Pony 8 0.21
Thunderwolf Cavalry 2 0.12
Plumecreed Mentor 1 0.12
Rasaad yn Bashir + Sword Coast Sailor 6 0.1
Ardenn, Intrepid Archaeologist + Anara, Wolvid Familiar 1 0.1
Souls of the Faultless 1 0.08
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