
Gleam of Resistance


View on Scryfall

Appears in 147 of 12,185 decks (1.2%).

Appears with these commanders:

Commander Decks â†“ Synergy
Amber Gristle O'Maul + Inspiring Leader 1 0.49
Witch Hunter 1 0.49
Warchanter Skald 1 0.32
Radiant, Serra Archangel + Keleth, Sunmane Familiar 1 0.32
Enlisted Wurm 1 0.32
Ellyn Harbreeze, Busybody + Inspiring Leader 1 0.24
Bant Battlemage 1 0.19
Thunderclap Wyvern 1 0.15
Oakhame Ranger // Bring Back 1 0.15
Portal Manipulator 1 0.13
Naya Battlemage 1 0.11
Gary Clone 1 0.1
Private Eye 1 0.1
Mystic Enforcer 1 0.06
Bill the Pony 1 0.06
Trostani's Summoner 1 0.05
Rhox War Monk 1 0.04
Wayward Servant 1 0.04
Great Desert Prospector 1 0.04
Baron Bertram Graywater 1 0.04
Rumor Gatherer 1 0.03
Daru Warchief 1 0.03
Abdel Adrian, Gorion's Ward + Feywild Visitor 1 0.03
Juniper Order Ranger 1 0.03
Mardu Roughrider 1 0.03
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