
Irregular Cohort

Creature — Shapeshifter

View on Scryfall

Appears in 529 of 12,185 decks (4.3%).

Appears with these commanders:

Commander Decks â†“ Synergy
Ganax, Astral Hunter + Far Traveler 5 0.58
Paragon of the Amesha 5 0.09
Cadira, Caller of the Small 5 -0.02
Ramosian Captain 4 0.96
Nagao, Bound by Honor 4 0.96
Starnheim Aspirant 4 0.76
Youthful Valkyrie 4 0.76
Prava of the Steel Legion + Ich-Tekik, Salvage Splicer 4 0.76
Blaring Captain + Blaring Recruiter 4 0.22
Marshal of Zhalfir 4 0.22
Coppercoat Vanguard 4 0.21
Knotvine Mystic 4 0.12
Mentor of the Meek 4 0.07
Théoden, King of Rohan 4 0.07
Miriam, Herd Whisperer 3 0.56
Oakhame Ranger // Bring Back 3 0.46
Reverent Hoplite 3 0.39
Drana's Emissary 3 0.39
Inspiring Veteran 3 0.33
Wayfaring Temple 3 0.06
Shanna, Sisay's Legacy 3 0.04
Phyrexian Censor 3 0.04
Drogskol Captain 3 0.03
Oji, the Exquisite Blade 3 -0.02
Killian, Ink Duelist 3 -0.03
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