
Miasmic Mummy

Creature — Zombie Jackal

View on Scryfall

Appears in 243 of 15,300 decks (1.6%).

Appears with these commanders:

Commander Decks â†“ Synergy
Soulcoil Viper 2 0.98
Viconia, Drow Apostate + Far Traveler 2 0.65
Unraveling Mummy 2 0.38
Dusk Mangler 2 0.27
Basilica Bell-Haunt 2 0.23
Obsessive Stitcher 2 0.12
Nyx Weaver 2 0.1
Tormod, the Desecrator + Halana, Kessig Ranger 2 0.06
Marsh Crocodile 2 0.05
Sedraxis Specter 2 0.03
Fleshtaker 2 0.03
Gollum, Patient Plotter 2 0.03
Akawalli, the Seething Tower 2 0.01
Deathless Knight 1 None
Abyssal Specter 1 0.98
Rakdos Ringleader 1 0.98
Vengeful Strangler // Strangling Grasp 1 0.98
Necropanther 1 0.48
Pharika's Spawn 1 0.48
Sadistic Hypnotist 1 0.48
Ruthless Sniper 1 0.48
Locust Miser 1 0.32
Grizzly Ghoul 1 0.32
Eternal Taskmaster 1 0.32
Young Necromancer 1 0.32
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