
Tattermunge Duo

Creature — Goblin Warrior Shaman

View on Scryfall

Appears in 77 of 4,272 decks (1.8%).

Appears with these commanders:

Commander Decks Synergy â†“
Charging War Boar 1 0.98
Gloryscale Viashino 47 0.34
Yavimaya Kavu 1 0.23
Tattermunge Witch 1 0.18
Rulik Mons, Warren Chief 6 0.11
Amber Gristle O'Maul + Cloakwood Hermit 1 0.09
Grumgully, the Generous 10 0.05
Targ Nar, Demon-Fang Gnoll 2 0.03
Wilson, Refined Grizzly + Guild Artisan 1 0.03
Knotvine Mystic 1 0.01
Gut, True Soul Zealot + Cloakwood Hermit 1 0.0
Svella, Ice Shaper 1 -0.01
Mr. Orfeo, the Boulder 1 -0.01
Fusion Elemental 1 -0.01
Sphinx of the Guildpact 1 -0.01
Hallar, the Firefletcher 1 -0.01
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