
Crow of Dark Tidings

Creature — Zombie Bird

View on Scryfall

Appears in 887 of 20,880 decks (4.2%).

Appears with these commanders:

Commander Decks Synergy â†“
Dreadwing Scavenger 2 None
Dina, Soul Steeper 1 None
Garna, the Bloodflame 1 None
Garna, Bloodfist of Keld 1 None
Rattleback Apothecary 1 None
Ruthless Radrat 3 0.96
Autumnal Gloom // Ancient of the Equinox 2 0.96
Lulu, Loyal Hollyphant + Criminal Past 1 0.96
Poison-Blade Mentor 1 0.96
Zombie Mob 1 0.96
Bloodsworn Squire // Bloodsworn Knight 5 0.79
Raul, Trouble Shooter 5 0.79
Dreadhound 8 0.73
Graveblade Marauder 7 0.73
Lotleth Giant 3 0.71
Soulless One 3 0.71
Araumi of the Dead Tide 249 0.63
Golgari Thug 2 0.62
Hollow Marauder 21 0.53
Gorex, the Tombshell 28 0.52
Molderhulk 26 0.51
Whisper, Blood Liturgist 21 0.46
Sarevok, Deathbringer + Criminal Past 15 0.46
Apprentice Necromancer 2 0.46
Carrion Grub 2 0.46
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