
Foul-Tongue Shriek


View on Scryfall

Appears in 275 of 21,327 decks (1.3%).

Appears with these commanders:

Commander Decks Synergy â†“
Ghost of Ramirez DePietro + Tormod, the Desecrator 2 None
Sivriss, Nightmare Speaker + Cloakwood Hermit 1 None
Underworld Coinsmith 1 None
Vampire Nighthawk 1 None
Aryel, Knight of Windgrace 1 None
Prava of the Steel Legion + Keskit, the Flesh Sculptor 1 None
Mardu Shadowspear 1 0.99
The Fallen 1 0.99
Cateran Enforcer 1 0.99
Nested Ghoul 1 0.49
Falkenrath Noble 1 0.49
Falthis, Shadowcat Familiar + Tormod, the Desecrator 2 0.39
Dire Fleet Neckbreaker 2 0.39
Totentanz, Swarm Piper 31 0.35
Sivriss, Nightmare Speaker + Feywild Visitor 4 0.32
Locust Miser 1 0.32
Balduvian Dead 1 0.32
Thief of Hope 1 0.32
Eternal Taskmaster 1 0.32
Ruthless Radrat 1 0.32
Soulless One 1 0.24
Gothmog, Morgul Lieutenant 1 0.24
Regal Bloodlord 5 0.21
Indulgent Aristocrat 2 0.21
Korozda Guildmage 15 0.19
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