
Gavony Unhallowed

Creature — Zombie

View on Scryfall

Appears in 492 of 15,438 decks (3.2%).

Appears with these commanders:

Commander Decks â†“ Synergy
Corpse Appraiser 1 0.17
Unraveling Mummy 1 0.17
Tormod, the Desecrator + Esior, Wardwing Familiar 1 0.13
Sarevok, Deathbringer + Street Urchin 1 0.13
Skull Skaab 1 0.13
Zulaport Cutthroat 1 0.11
Drana's Emissary 1 0.11
Soulblade Renewer + Soulblade Corrupter 1 0.11
Death-Rattle Oni 1 0.11
Crypt Champion 1 0.09
Feaster of Fools 1 0.08
Cartel Aristocrat 1 0.08
Shadowmage Infiltrator 1 0.07
Carnage Gladiator 1 0.07
Gleaming Overseer 1 0.06
Quillspike 1 0.05
Tormod, the Desecrator + Dargo, the Shipwrecker 1 0.05
Ruthless Deathfang 1 0.03
Regal Bloodlord 1 0.03
Oona's Blackguard 1 0.02
Spiritmonger 1 0.02
Legate Lanius, Caesar's Ace 1 0.01
Blight Pile 1 0.0
Nezumi Graverobber // Nighteyes the Desecrator 1 0.0
Uglúk of the White Hand 1 0.0
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