

Artifact Creature — Thopter

View on Scryfall

Appears in 33 of 53,927 decks (0.1%).

Appears with these commanders:

Commander Decks Synergy â†“
Defiant Survivor 1 None
Cynical Loner 2 0.67
Thopter Squadron 1 0.5
Centaur Omenreader 2 0.22
Memnite 1 0.2
Reckless Pyrosurfer 1 0.17
Radha, Coalition Warlord 1 0.12
Lulu, Loyal Hollyphant + Cloakwood Hermit 3 0.11
Lulu, Loyal Hollyphant + Agent of the Iron Throne 1 0.11
Foundry Inspector 1 0.11
Pathrazer of Ulamog 1 0.11
Lulu, Loyal Hollyphant + Far Traveler 1 0.09
Cyberman Patrol 4 0.08
Siren of the Silent Song 1 0.08
Gilder Bairn 3 0.05
Abdel Adrian, Gorion's Ward + Far Traveler 2 0.02
Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive 2 0.02
Disciple of Deceit 2 0.02
Ruin Crab 1 0.01
Lagrella, the Magpie 1 0.01
Walker of the Wastes 1 0.01
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