


View on Scryfall

Appears in 3,153 of 19,573 decks (16.1%).

Appears with these commanders:

Commander Decks Synergy â†“
Keleth, Sunmane Familiar + Esior, Wardwing Familiar 3 -0.13
Lozhan, Dragons' Legacy 2 -0.13
Enthusiastic Mechanaut 2 -0.13
Watcher of the Spheres 2 -0.13
Bilbo, Retired Burglar 2 -0.13
Blistercoil Weird 1 -0.13
Fleshformer 1 -0.13
Empyrean Eagle 1 -0.13
Deadeye Plunderers 1 -0.13
Devourer of Memory 1 -0.13
Voidwing Hybrid 1 -0.13
Prince Imrahil the Fair 1 -0.13
Fusion Elemental 4 -0.14
Lazotep Chancellor 3 -0.14
Paragon of the Amesha 2 -0.14
Eutropia the Twice-Favored 2 -0.14
Rasaad yn Bashir + Dungeon Delver 1 -0.14
Sphinx Summoner 1 -0.14
Cephalopod Sentry 1 -0.14
Emissary of Soulfire 1 -0.14
Balmor, Battlemage Captain 9 -0.15
Herald of Kozilek 1 -0.15
Disciplined Duelist 1 -0.15
Diregraf Captain 1 -0.15
Gleaming Geardrake 1 -0.15
Khenra Spellspear // Gitaxian Spellstalker 1 -0.15
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