
Moonsnare Prototype


View on Scryfall

Appears in 1,532 of 19,573 decks (7.8%).

Appears with these commanders:

Commander Decks Synergy â†“
Wood Sage 1 -0.06
Vohar, Vodalian Desecrator 1 -0.06
Rasaad yn Bashir + Sword Coast Sailor 1 -0.06
Bilbo, Retired Burglar 1 -0.06
Lilysplash Mentor 1 -0.06
Queza, Augur of Agonies 5 -0.07
Cormela, Glamour Thief 4 -0.07
Gretchen Titchwillow 3 -0.07
Aegar, the Freezing Flame 2 -0.07
Tainted Observer 2 -0.07
Ganax, Astral Hunter + Feywild Visitor 1 -0.07
Risen Reef 1 -0.07
Narfi, Betrayer King 1 -0.07
Adeliz, the Cinder Wind 1 -0.07
Rona, Sheoldred's Faithful 1 -0.07
Tatyova, Benthic Druid 1 -0.08
Balmor, Battlemage Captain 1 -0.08
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