
Relic of Progenitus


View on Scryfall

Appears in 4,648 of 53,927 decks (8.6%).

Appears with these commanders:

Commander Decks Synergy â†“
Commander Liara Portyr 18 0.16
Breaker of Creation 6 0.16
Mishra, Excavation Prodigy 4 0.16
Floodgate 4 0.16
Saber Ants 3 0.16
Radiant, Serra Archangel + Esior, Wardwing Familiar 3 0.16
Coruscation Mage 3 0.16
Rug of Smothering 2 0.16
Brood of Cockroaches 2 0.16
Renari, Merchant of Marvels + Acolyte of Bahamut 2 0.16
Renari, Merchant of Marvels + Agent of the Iron Throne 2 0.16
Thrummingbird 2 0.16
Harmonic Sliver 2 0.16
Plague Myr 1 0.16
Eiganjo Free-Riders 1 0.16
Nadier, Agent of the Duskenel + Dargo, the Shipwrecker 1 0.16
Warmonger 1 0.16
Thunderscape Battlemage 1 0.16
Triton Fortune Hunter 1 0.16
Orcish Settlers 1 0.16
Jhoira's Familiar 1 0.16
Gilanra, Caller of Wirewood + Miara, Thorn of the Glade 1 0.16
Vhal, Candlekeep Researcher + Street Urchin 1 0.16
Futurist Operative 1 0.16
Gilanra, Caller of Wirewood + Dargo, the Shipwrecker 1 0.16
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