
Polluted Dead

Creature — Zombie

View on Scryfall

Appears in 48 of 20,836 decks (0.2%).

Appears with these commanders:

Commander Decks Synergy â†“
Orcish Healer 3 0.75
Trench Wurm 2 0.5
Haberthrasher 1 0.5
Army Ants 5 0.41
Eternal Taskmaster 1 0.33
Earthblighter 1 0.25
Falthis, Shadowcat Familiar + Tormod, the Desecrator 1 0.2
Dockside Chef 1 0.2
Xiahou Dun, the One-Eyed 1 0.16
Cartel Aristocrat 1 0.11
Tormod, the Desecrator 1 0.1
Archghoul of Thraben 1 0.08
Diregraf Captain 5 0.07
Corpse Harvester 1 0.07
Undead Warchief 3 0.06
Narfi, Betrayer King 6 0.05
Death-Priest of Myrkul 2 0.05
Lord of the Accursed 1 0.05
Gorex, the Tombshell 2 0.02
Whisper, Blood Liturgist 1 0.02
Molderhulk 1 0.02
Scarland Thrinax 2 0.01
Mahadi, Emporium Master 1 0.01
Araumi of the Dead Tide 2 0.0
Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim 1 0.0
Zoyowa Lava-Tongue 1 0.0
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