
Conjurer's Bauble


View on Scryfall

Appears in 1,408 of 53,841 decks (2.6%).

Appears with these commanders:

Commander Decks â†“ Synergy
Svella, Ice Shaper 1 -0.02
Mr. Orfeo, the Boulder 1 -0.02
Slippery Bogle 1 -0.02
Izzet Guildmage 1 -0.02
Bear's Companion 1 -0.02
Arcbound Shikari 1 -0.02
Lagrella, the Magpie 1 -0.02
Firja, Judge of Valor 1 -0.02
Miara, Thorn of the Glade + Numa, Joraga Chieftain 1 -0.02
Warden of the Eye 1 -0.02
Hallar, the Firefletcher 1 -0.02
General Marhault Elsdragon 1 -0.02
Stormclaw Rager 1 -0.02
Arwen Undómiel 1 -0.02
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