
Weirded Vampire

Creature — Vampire Horror

View on Scryfall

Appears in 189 of 21,327 decks (0.9%).

Appears with these commanders:

Commander Decks Synergy â†“
Dusk Mangler 1 0.08
Shadowstorm Vizier 1 0.07
Stromkirk Captain 6 0.06
Armix, Filigree Thrasher + Malcolm, Keen-Eyed Navigator 1 0.06
Lazotep Chancellor 8 0.05
Psychatog 3 0.05
Jund Battlemage 1 0.05
Disciple of Deceit 5 0.04
Fell Specter 1 0.04
Rona, Sheoldred's Faithful 2 0.01
Armix, Filigree Thrasher + Toggo, Goblin Weaponsmith 1 0.01
Gorex, the Tombshell 1 0.01
Queza, Augur of Agonies 2 0.0
Zoyowa Lava-Tongue 2 0.0
Syr Konrad, the Grim 1 -0.01
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