
Fists of Ironwood

Enchantment — Aura

View on Scryfall

Appears in 1,452 of 19,827 decks (7.3%).

Appears with these commanders:

Commander Decks Synergy â†“
Briarbridge Patrol 1 None
Bloodbraid Elf 1 None
Nyx Weaver 1 None
Legolas, Counter of Kills 1 None
Wolverine Pack 1 None
Terrian, World Tyrant 1 None
Sazh's Chocobo 1 None
Gatherer of Graces 6 0.93
Bramblesnap 4 0.93
Psychotrope Thallid 3 0.93
Verdeloth the Ancient 3 0.93
Utopia Mycon 2 0.93
Jade Mage 2 0.93
Orochi Eggwatcher // Shidako, Broodmistress 2 0.93
Marrow Chomper 2 0.93
Nimbus Swimmer 1 0.93
Hedge Troll 1 0.93
Fangren Pathcutter 1 0.93
Wilson, Refined Grizzly + Cloakwood Hermit 1 0.93
Decorated Champion 1 0.93
Prava of the Steel Legion + Numa, Joraga Chieftain 1 0.93
Venom Connoisseur 1 0.93
Woodland Champion 1 0.93
Charging War Boar 1 0.93
Manaplasm 1 0.93
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