
Frost Trickster

Creature — Bird Wizard

View on Scryfall

Appears in 239 of 14,389 decks (1.7%).

Appears with these commanders:

Commander Decks Synergy â†“
Clone 2 0.98
Stinging Licid 2 0.98
Warden of Evos Isle 1 0.98
Aphetto Grifter 1 0.98
Alharu, Solemn Ritualist + Siani, Eye of the Storm 1 0.98
Belltower Sphinx 1 0.98
Thieving Magpie 1 0.98
Moonshae Pixie // Pixie Dust 1 0.98
Renari, Merchant of Marvels + Dragon Cultist 1 0.98
Thryx, the Sudden Storm 1 0.98
Tide Skimmer 1 0.98
Icewrought Sentry 8 0.71
New Prahv Guildmage 2 0.65
Malcolm, Keen-Eyed Navigator + Siani, Eye of the Storm 2 0.65
Reflector Mage 3 0.58
Trusted Advisor 4 0.56
Crookclaw Elder 2 0.48
Inga Rune-Eyes 1 0.48
Sharae of Numbing Depths 25 0.47
Esior, Wardwing Familiar + Siani, Eye of the Storm 3 0.41
Radiant, Serra Archangel + Esior, Wardwing Familiar 3 0.32
Displacer Beast 1 0.32
Alora, Merry Thief + Guild Artisan 1 0.32
Gwaihir the Windlord 5 0.3
Prismari Apprentice 1 0.23
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