
Twisted Abomination

Creature — Zombie Mutant

View on Scryfall

Appears in 691 of 15,363 decks (4.5%).

Appears with these commanders:

Commander Decks â†“ Synergy
Azra Oddsmaker 7 -0.02
Viconia, Drow Apostate + Cloakwood Hermit 6 0.38
Mr. Orfeo, the Boulder 6 -0.01
Queza, Augur of Agonies 6 -0.03
Baloth Null 5 0.79
Archghoul of Thraben 5 0.37
Uncle Istvan 5 0.34
Necrotic Sliver 5 0.1
Gonti, Lord of Luxury 5 0.08
Crypt Rats 5 0.03
Baleful Strix 5 0.0
Kardur, Doomscourge 5 -0.01
Dina, Soul Steeper 5 -0.03
Slimefoot, the Stowaway 5 -0.03
Noxious Ghoul 4 0.46
Shadowstorm Vizier 4 0.4
Corpse Harvester 4 0.32
Thrull Parasite 4 0.17
Wayward Servant 4 0.15
Kagha, Shadow Archdruid 4 0.02
Liliana's Devotee 3 0.96
Apprentice Necromancer 3 0.71
Undercity Informer 3 0.71
Hag Hedge-Mage 3 0.46
Graveblade Marauder 3 0.38
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