


View on Scryfall

Appears in 4,332 of 17,185 decks (25.2%).

Appears with these commanders:

Commander Decks Synergy â†“
Hamza, Guardian of Arashin 8 -0.22
Keleth, Sunmane Familiar + Esior, Wardwing Familiar 3 -0.22
Underworld Coinsmith 1 -0.22
Bastion Protector 1 -0.22
Aron, Benalia's Ruin 1 -0.22
Gut, True Soul Zealot + Inspiring Leader 13 -0.23
Akiri, Fearless Voyager 3 -0.23
Rograkh, Son of Rohgahh + Keleth, Sunmane Familiar 2 -0.23
Shanna, Sisay's Legacy 1 -0.23
Tenth District Legionnaire 1 -0.23
Ardenn, Intrepid Archaeologist + Kediss, Emberclaw Familiar 1 -0.23
Cephalopod Sentry 1 -0.23
Bartolomé del Presidio 1 -0.23
Jasmine Boreal of the Seven 4 -0.24
Reyav, Master Smith 2 -0.24
Golden-Tail Trainer 2 -0.24
Gloryscale Viashino 1 -0.25
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