
Gilded Scuttler

Artifact Creature — Crab

View on Scryfall

Appears in 40 of 20,015 decks (0.2%).

Appears with these commanders:

Commander Decks Synergy â†“
Gilder Bairn 1 None
Baleful Strix 1 None
Ellyn Harbreeze, Busybody + Feywild Visitor 1 None
Rasaad yn Bashir + Sword Coast Sailor 1 None
Alora, Merry Thief + Agent of the Shadow Thieves 1 None
Elder Owyn Lyons 1 None
Emissary of Soulfire 1 None
Acquisition Octopus 1 None
Invasion of Amonkhet // Lazotep Convert 2 1.0
Alora, Merry Thief 1 1.0
Grappling Kraken 1 1.0
Biblioplex Kraken 3 0.25
Shoreline Looter 1 0.2
Nightkin Ambusher 1 0.08
Rebbec, Architect of Ascension + Glacian, Powerstone Engineer 1 0.05
Rasaad yn Bashir + Dungeon Delver 2 0.04
Lilysplash Mentor 2 0.03
Gandalf, Friend of the Shire 1 0.03
Sharktocrab 1 0.02
Lazav, Familiar Stranger 1 0.02
Rilsa Rael, Kingpin 6 0.01
Arwen Undómiel 2 0.01
Sharae of Numbing Depths 1 0.01
Soulherder 4 0.0
Queza, Augur of Agonies 1 0.0
Tainted Observer 1 0.0
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